Friday, May 31, 2013

Cultivation of Mind, Body, & Spirit

May 23, 2013

Don't get trapped with your
head in the clouds!
Most of us spend 40-80 hours a week trying to fill our bank accounts in hopes that one day we will reach a certain level of success.  We set aside our hobbies and personal interest for the majority of our lives during “the working years” so we can “get ahead.” Telling ourselves along the way….. One day I'll be able to relax.  Unfortunately getting old is and reaching retirement is not a guarantee.  Relying on our social security checks will never be enough…..suddenly realizing that your “able years”- the ones when you could climb the rock of Gibraltar are behind you!

What if you retired young and worked until you're old? As ass backwards as this seems, in a nutshell that is what we are doing on this journey.  We are spending the funds we would have wasted on a wedding- a typical American wedding costs more than what some people I know have to retire on- our main aspiration is to learn how to cultivate our mind, body, and spirit.  We are taking the focus off material wealth while embracing the riches of time and relaxation.  

What would you do with the gift of time? I'll tell you what we do with such a precious gift.  We communicate with one another about everything, spending hours discussing anything that crosses our minds.  I encourage my husband to express himself artistically- recently he finished portraits of our               beloved dogs Joey and Zoey!


He supports my desire to keep an active mind, always learning something new. Origami one day, flower arrangement the next. We meditate which teaches us to control the simple things we can like breathing, while learning to let go of frustrations that we have no power over- like others actions! 

Dr. Oz's  7 Minute Workout

We have a daily workout routine that builds our endurance and keeps us healthy.  I am not a fan of running or physical exhaustion but we picked a plan that is doable and enjoyable for the both of us.  It takes 7 minutes of our day and after word I feel good that I completed it! 

Bon Bon in the front
Carajillo in front of Ross

We seek out local cultural activities and new experiences. For instance we sat on a sidewalk café drinking different traditional Spanish coffees; the bon bon-espresso and condensed milk – and carajillo – espresso served with a shot of brandy, a lemon wedge, and two espresso beans sunk to the bottom.  We have embraced kindness of strangers as well as developed a few strong friendship bonds.  Life is not about what you can buy and never use.  Life is too short to spend it behind a desk or computer. 

Our temporary home! We are thankful
for the generosity of family!
Life to us is all about giving and sharing experiences with those you love, humanizing ourselves with the simple things, being appreciative of others kindness,  and learning that our time on earth is limited…..Why not enjoy it while you can! Live with a purpose, full of love, free of regrets! 

May 25, 2013

Cream Aisle @ Grocery store...
They all say Nata...followed by a % Very Confusing!

Cooking for ourselves in Spain has been delightful, because not eating out every meal saves us money, but it has also been a challenge from time to time.  For example going to the grocery store in America, we have practically no seasonal items; everything you want is available year round due to the global market. In Spain shopping is not that way! You eat what is in season; if you can find imported, out of season items, they are pricey. You cannot find okra, artichokes are everywhere but they are so small I wouldn't know how to prepare them, no Velveeta for making macaroni and cheese and I have not been successful in finding a replacement, no clearly labeled half and half for coffee- picking the correct percentage of cream for our coffee has been a weekly challenge.

We have adapted to our environment, eating at least five baguettes a week, drinking espresso on the regular, and serving a variety of cheeses on a platter with wine as a meal. I do miss some things from the states that are not replicable; such as traditional Mexican cuisine; a foreign treat NOWHERE to be found near Calp! We eat three squares a day, we are not starving or anything, we are simply limited in what meals we can make.  My husband tells me I have a lavish pallet, compared to a man that could eat bread for every meal, I guess I do. Planning a menu, grocery shopping, and cooking are things I truly enjoy and Spain has put my skills to the test is all I'm saying.

Jane Fonda eat your heart out!
Its okay to laugh! We did!
I have a much larger sweet tooth than my husband! I never really noticed how my body craves sugar until I we started a daily workout routine. Making me more cautious about what I consume and when.  Knowing your body and its subtle warning signs takes time. I am learning how to listen to what my body needs and when.  I can actually feel when I need to drink water, I notice when my blood sugar is low, and I have been able to adjust the times of the day I eat, which has increased my energy level. What has not changed is how much I miss my brother-in-law’s homemade ice cream! Store bought will never satisfy me again! Thanks Josh :*).

Chocolate Chip Brick 

I miss baking edible cookies. I made chocolate chip plaster, that was an utter failure! I had to eyeball the ingredients because we have been unsuccessful in our attempts to buy standard measuring cups and I don't know how to cook with metric utensils.  The cookies melted together, never rising, forming one massive cookie sheet. After only a few hours they were hard as a brick.  They tasted like buttery sugar...yuck!

Black Cherry Cobbler
 My new favorite dessert, mainly because it is hard to mess up, is cobbler.  The recipe is simple and locally grown black cherries make it a real treat. I plan on paying close attention to any cooking lessons from my Aunt Maria when they arrive.  She has a reputation in the family for being an amazing cook; I hope she doesn't mind showing me a thing or two about Spanish cuisine.  

May 29, 2013

As you get older people seem to not like celebrating their own birthday, but no one seems to mind attending a party when celebrating someone else getting older. Lucky for us today was such an occasion.  Our British friends threw a shindig of a birthday party today celebrating Dorothy’s 70th

Dorothy and Me after she opened the gift
from us
Do not jump to conclusions about this party because it was nothing like what you would expect in America.  There was no bingo and shuffleboard, it was quite the production.  There was live music, dancing, a full spread of food, a full bar and three stocked refrigerators full of booze. The party began at 2:00pm and continued well into the night with no signs of slowing when we headed out around 9:30pm.  Friends and family flew in from all over the United Kingdom for this celebration of life. 

The stage for dancing and live music
 No detail went unnoticed, from the beautifully landscaped yard down to custom printed napkins.  We drank, ate, and chatted the day away.  The guest were overly interested in our love story, our decision to sell all of our things and come to Europe, and many of them extended an invitation for us to stay with them in their homes and be shown around their town or city in the UK.  

Graham pulling out the pastas 
We were treated to a traditional British dish known as pastas and mushy peas.  The ‘pastas’ looked like puff pastry style pot pie; inside they were filled with mashed potatoes and corn beef. The mushy peas aren't the most appealing to the eye but they sure are tasty.  We gobbled up the food so quickly I scalded my mouth.  

At the bar enjoying
British Pastas & Mushy Peas

The day passed on as we listened to them sing traditional English hits, Elvis Presley, and Neil Diamond.  Everyone was “lovely” if I may steal a little British lingo. Graham and Dorothy have a beautiful custom built outdoor bar and I felt right at home playing bartender for the day serving up cocktails; the most requested beverages were G&T ( gin and tonic) or a bubbly glass of cava ( sparkling champagne)  

Ross soaking up travel recommendations
We were given specific travel advice from a few guests that travel Europe often. Italy was highly praised by many of them for its beauty and history, bearing in mind the warning of how expensive it was to tour.  Before retreating home I made sure to collect everyone’s contact details while Ross thanked everyone for such a wonderful time.  Dorothy and Graham have won a place in our hearts and we will never forget them. They exude humility; they are genuine, worldly, and delightfully gregarious.  Hopefully we they will visit us in the states so we can show them the same hospitality! 


Penny & Jerry said...

McRae and Ross! You both have such wisdom already. So proud of you both. It is SO VERY true that money and material things are absolutely the most over sought "accomplishments" that there is. We go through life thinking that is what makes us a "success", when in truth that should be a minute part of our existence. True, we have to have money to live, but to make that our purpose to gather more and more things is just not very wise. Your experiences are priceless and your compassion can be limitless. I value people way more for their kindness than their monetary value any day of the week! By the way, that first picture on today's blog could be a painting in my living room! And I love beautiful art.....have a most wonderful week, and we love you guys!!!

Penny and Jerry

encourage2change said...

Just got through sending you and Ross a e-mail . Your introspective on reversing the retirement is a long sought philosophy that I heard my Mom & Dad said all the time. It's great to see you are really doing the universal reverse. Love the details of your hobbies and the daily fulfillment of true freedom. Love MPJ

encourage2change said...
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